Autumn is here and this recipe is perfect for these cold days. They're not too sweet, this time the kids weren't mad about them, but they were perfect for my tea!Love them!!!.

Ingredients for about 20-25 biscuits:

300 g plain flour
120 g butter
100 g honey

1 egg
100 g raisins
1 teaspoon baking powder

Icing sugar

Turn on the oven to 170 degrees.

Soak the raisins in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes.

In the meantime mix the butter until creamy, then add the beaten egg and the honey. Mix until creamy, then add the flour, the baking powder and mix until you get a soft mixture.
Add the dry raisins.

Now make small balls with the mixture and put them far between each other on a baking tray.

Cook for about 15 minutes. When cold, sprinkle with icing sugar.


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