The other day I've decided to make these ciambelle, but only later I've realised it's the same recipe of the doughnuts!They are lovely and above all they're NOT FRIED, so they're not as bad...and I felt allowed to have at least two at a time!!!!!!Nice for breakfast or for the afternoon snack. They are best eaten on the same day, but if there are leftovers just warm them in the microvawe for about 20 seconds.

Ingredients for about 15 ciambelle:

1 egg
225 ml lukewarm whole milk
120 g sugar
450 g (250 g Manitoba and 200 plain)
1 sachet dried yeast
100 g softened butter
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1 pinch of salt

for the finishing touch:
melted butter

Put the yeast in a bowl with the lukewarm milk and a teaspoon of sugar and mix well.

Beat the egg in a bowl ,then add the milk, the sugar, the vanilla essence and the salt and mix well.

Add 2/3 of the flour and mix very well.

Add the butter, one piece at a time,( when one has been absorbed add the other one), then add the remaining flour until you get a smooth, soft (but not too sticky) dough.

Then place it in the bowl and cover it for about an hour, or until the volume has doubled.

On a lightly floured board roll the pastry dough to a 1 cm thickness. Cut the doughnuts with big round shaped cookie cutters, use a smaller cutter for making a hole in the middle ( I've used the oil lid!) and put them properly spaced on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Cover with cling film and let them rest in a lukewarm place for other 20-30 minutes or until when the volume has doubled.

In the meantime turn on the oven to 200 degrees.

Cook the doughnuts for about 6-8 minutes or until golden. When cooked brush them with melted butter, sprinkle some sugar and pour some Nutella on top.

They are best served warm.


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